How To Build A Quality Linkedin Profile

Last week, we conduct a training session on “??? ?? ????? ? ??????? ???????? ???????”. It was an enlightening experience for us, as it deepened our team’s knowledge and understanding of LinkedIn platform.

We know that there are many people on LinkedIn who directly add people and pitch them for products or services, which can cause a lot of distress to the other person, and obviously we don’t want more cases of this. Through this training, we were acutely aware that LinkedIn is not just a recruitment platform, let alone a pure advertising platform, but a positive, value-delivery platform where people can actively share their personal growth experiences, deliver valuable marketing messages, and help companies grow by delivering value to achieve collaboration.

During the training, we began the journey of unlocking the true potential of LinkedIn. Arthur Zhu spoke to the group about the importance of a personal profile, not just to showcase on the platform but to present an authentic version of ourselves to the public, driven by value, to help more people and customers of ?‍♂️ ???? ??????? ????? ??? ???? ??????? ?????????? ???????????‍♀️. It’s inspiring to see our team realize that LinkedIn is a platform where we can showcase our expertise and enhance our professional value.

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All in all, it has had a profound impact on our team’s understanding of LinkedIn’s potential. We are excited to witness the continued growth and development of UTRUST as we learn and explore the endless opportunities that LinkedIn has to offer.

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