How To Clean A Curling Iron?

How to clean a curling iron

How to clean a curling iron?

Hey, dear curling iron users! Did you know that the first thing you need to do to get perfect curls on your curling iron is to make sure that your curling iron is as clean as new? Before we dive into how to keep this little guy clean and dazzling, let’s explore why this is so important.

As a hair styling tools manufacturer who has been in the HAIR field for 10 years, I think we have enough to say to answer the questions that address this series of questions, so please join us.


In this post, you can learn about

1.What are the dangers of using a dirty curling iron?

2.What you’ll need to clean curling iron?

3.How to clean a curling iron?

As well as some FAQ and spin-off reading (How To Make Your Straightener Not Smell Like Burnt Hair)


1. What are the dangers of using dirty curling irons?

Curling irons are not candy, but if they are dirty, they can become a “hair curse”! Using dirty curlers can lead to the following hazards:
Bad hairstyle: Dirty curlers can make your hair look like wind-blown straw, which is not only unattractive, but can also affect your self-confidence!
Bacterial infestation: bacteria love to hide in dirty objects and if you don’t clean your curlers, they could become a playground for bacteria and your hair will fall victim!
Stink problem: The residue in your curlers may stink, and such a stink can be more than just a problem of a bad haircut, it can lead to unnecessary embarrassment.

2. Items needed to clean your curlers

Now, let’s get ready, to revitalise your curlers you need to prepare the following items:

  1. Curling iron
  2. Baking soda
  3. Water
  4. Bowl
  5. Spoon
  6. Cotton pads
  7. Toothbrushes
  8. Towel


3. How to clean curlers

Let’s take a look at how to clean your curlers. The process is actually very simple:

  1. Make a baking soda paste by adding a 3/1 mixture of baking soda and water in a bowl. Stir well with a spoon. If it is too thin, add more baking soda.
  2. Gently apply the baking soda paste to the barrel and handle of the curling iron until well coated.
  3. Gently scrub baking soda paste from curlers with a cotton pad.
  4. brush gently with a toothbrush so as not to damage the ceramic coated surface (this step will tend to damage the coated surface, so be careful!) .

(This is what damage to the ceramic coating looks like. )

  1. wipe the residue with a soft, damp towel and gently scrape off any remaining (stubborn) stains with your fingernail. Wipe the barrel and handle until it is clean.
  2. Dry with a soft, dry towel or paper towel.

This method worked perfectly. It didn’t completely remove the burn marks, but it looked much better! All the sticky bits on the handle are gone too and it looks great. I also used a damp towel to wipe down the wires to get rid of the stickiness on them as well!



1. how to clean a smelly curling iron

Alas, if your curlers start to stink, don’t worry, we have the trick to fix the problem! Here are the detailed steps:

(1)Remove Hair Residue: first, carefully remove any hair residue from your curlers with a comb or brush. This will help alleviate the odour problem.

(2)Prepare apple cider vinegar solution: take a cup of water and add the same portion of apple cider vinegar and mix well. Apple cider vinegar is a fantastic deodoriser and will freshen up your curlers.

(3)Soak your curlers: Dip parts of your curlers into the apple cider vinegar solution, making sure that the liquid covers the smelly area. Let the curlers soak in the solution for about 15-20 minutes.

(4)Brush the curlers: Use a brush or a thin towel to gently brush the curlers, especially the smelly areas. This helps to remove any residual odour substances.

(5)Rinse curlers: Rinse curlers with lukewarm water, making sure the apple cider vinegar solution is completely washed out.

(6)Dry the curlers: Dry the curlers with a clean towel and make sure it is completely dry.

This method totally worked. It hasn’t completely removed the burn marks, but it looks much better! All the sticky bits on the handle are gone too and it looks great. Wiping down the wires with a damp towel got rid of the stickiness on them as well!

You can see more in:

How to Clean the Sticky Brown Gunk Off Ceramic Curling Irons


2. How often should you clean your hot tools?

Absolutely! Let’s dive in to make sure your hot tools are always clean and in tip-top shape.

OCCASIONAL USERS: If you are an occasional curling iron user, we recommend that you clean it at least once a month. This will ensure that your curlers don’t accumulate too much residue.

Frequent users: If you use your hot tool regularly to create different hairstyles, then we recommend that you clean it every fortnight. Frequent use may cause residue to build up faster.

Professional Hair Stylists: If you are a professional hair stylist, then you should clean it after every use. This helps to provide the most hygienic service to your clients while extending the life of your hot tools.

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: If you notice that your curling iron is starting to develop an odour or itchiness, clean it immediately. Also, if you notice cosmetic residue or hair products on the surface of your curling iron during use, clean it immediately to maintain hygiene and hair health.

Remember, keeping your hot tools clean not only ensures that your hairstyle looks great, but it also prevents the growth of bacteria, making your hair styling process more enjoyable and hygienic. So, stop letting your curlers get dirty and smelly and give them a new lease of life to add to the glamour of your hairstyle!



Derivative Reading

How To Make Your Straightener Not Smell Like Burnt Hair

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